

An eCommerce website enables you to sell products online via your website. Our eCommerce sites include a specialised Content Management System giving you the power to intuitively add and manage your own products. You can set up categories and sub-categories in which to place your products all via your personalised CMS.

How it works

eCommerce A typical product will have a title, description, images, price and stock values which can be edited via the CMS. Some products may have various options for size or colour which can also be managed. At the shop front, customers add your products to a virtual shopping basket which has functions allowing customers to remove an item or change its quantity. The next step is the actual checkout process where a customer enters their personal details and clicks Pay. After a successful transaction the customer is taken to a confirmation page and sent a customised confirmation email describing their order. You, the merchant, will also be notified of the transaction and the stock values of the bought items are automatically decremented accordingly.

Accepting Payments

There are various options for accepting payments on your website. Probably the most popular option is PayPal (as a 3rd party). A basic checkout with PayPal involves being re-directed from your virtual shopping basket to a payment page hosted by PayPal. If a customer has an account with PayPal they can simply log-in and pay, if not, they can enter their card details on the web page. The service is free to use, the only thing you'll pay is a tiny percentage fee of the sale price. This is by far the cheapest, easiest and most secure method to integrate with your website.

If you want a more seamless experience in your checkout pages, you can use a Payment Gateway. Examples of gateway providers are Sage Pay, World Pay, and PayPal. You would need to sign up to one of these services and set up a Merchant Account. From there an API (Application Program Interface) can be integrated into a custom checkout page on your website. The advantage of using an API is that the customer never leaves your website during the whole checkout process.

Location and Areas Covered:

We're a Global Company but remain very proud of our humble roots and like to support local businesses and individuals as much as possible.
Based in Marske, we provide eCommerce in the whole of the North East including the following local towns: